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18 professional tips of the Rainbow Six Siege world cup

When Siege first came out, I wrote some basic tips to get into the game. This was followed by some advanced tips that, after spending a weekend watching professional games through PC and Xbox One, it feels decidedly basic in comparison. With this in mind, here is a list of the 18 tips I picked up when seeing professional teams do it at the recent Six Invitational World Final.

Focused verticality is crucial

Then you are defending a point on the middle floor of a three-story map in Siege. The logic says that you must maintain that floor. And although that is true, up to a point, you must also be aware that you can be completely annihilated from above or from below. Destructive floors and ceilings mean that C4, grenades and/or Buck (with the Skeleton Key shotgun) can score easy killings against players focused on covering horizontal lines of sight. Control above and/or below with the roamers and, as an attacker, punish the defenders for ignoring these attack vectors.

Pulse and echo for information of the defender

It used to be that the defenders relied on lax attackers who lacked fixed camera locations to collect meaningful data. Today, the improvements to Pulse and the inclusions of the Valkyrie and Echo list offer the potential for the crucial phase of intelligence activities for the defenders. Players are getting better at sniffing and destroying Valkyrie's best locations, but Pulse's heartbeat tracker and Echo's drone are useful for informing your team. Better yet, aggressive Pulse players can go outside to easily kill rappel / stationary players, or they can kill enemies through the floor/ceiling/walls with their C4. If you are Echo and the last one alive in a bomb map, you can use your Yokai drone to prevent the attackers from placing the defuser in the last seconds.

C4 skill shots and grenades

It takes practice, but C4 and grenades facilitate deaths if they are correctly clocked. I saw how the players got amazing C4 casualties while they were completely immune to the return fire. In one case, a defender removed a barricade from the top window, then made a small hole in the floor beneath it. When the defender heard the attackers outside, he threw the C4 through the hole, went out the window and scored easy punches. This trick worked more than once as well. Similarly, for attackers with grenades, if you cook them enough, you can throw them on destructible floors under the defenders to score murders similar to those of C4.

The mental games are the king

Because of the importance of intelligence gathering in Siege, misinformation can be a viable tactic, especially if you are an advocate. As a defender, if the clock reaches zero and the attackers have not completed their objective, you win. This means that you should buy as much time as possible. Create fake murder holes in windows or walls to make attackers paranoid. You can also fake revive, deactivate, interrogate or plant, knowing that your enemy is near for an easy kill, then stop what you are doing and surprise him with the first shot.

Negotiate bush is fashionable

The American teams dominated the Six Invitational and did so by showing a clear willingness to exchange murders. From the beginning, as a defender, it's worth doing a brazen bitch in a termite or Hibana, even if you die. Similarly, the exchange of two murders for your life is usually always worth it, especially at the beginning of the round or when the pressure increases. When attacking, operate in groups of two where possible, so that if the first player falls, the second player can pre-roll the direction of the shots and redeem in that way.

Roaming is about wasting time

Surely it is fun to score murders like a roamer but, once again, the main job of the defender is to ensure that the attackers do not achieve their goal. Creating a sense of paranoia with the attackers and making them spend precious time in buzz/hunting is time well spent. Alternatively, if you are patient and can remain undetected, you can time the return to the target perfectly so that you are behind the attackers and get final and crucial killings.

Roamers de Drone-out

The best counter-tactical tactic for roamers is to eliminate them. During the Six Invitational, drones were treated as premium teams, which meant that defensive positions were rarely explored during the preparation phase. Instead, the attackers were changing their drones to their respective raid points and picking them up in the driveway during the attack phase. After all, having two drones offers a greater chance of collecting information in the middle and towards the end of rounds. The drones were also crucial to know that a floor was completely free of roamers so the attackers could concentrate on what was happening inside and outside the target, rather than what might be behind them. Alternatively, use Jackal to follow the tracks (but keep in mind that Caveira's clever players can hide their tracks with Silent Step).

Dying early is not necessarily bad

If you lose a Habana or a termite at the beginning, you may have problems with the attacking team. But, apart from that, a premature death can provoke anger, but in reality, it is one of the best things that can happen to your team, especially defenders with an intelligent Valkyrie. The dead player moves exclusively to the cameras, providing live updates to the defenders on the movements and actions of the attackers. With the fantastic placements of the Val chamber

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